Types of Asphalt Repairs

Article Posted May 11, 2022
Article Posted May 11, 2022

Types of Asphalt Repairs

Step by Step Process of Crack Sealing

Crack sealing is the process of filling cracks in asphalt with a sealant. This helps to strengthen the surface of the asphalt and can prevent water from infiltrating into the underlying soil. This process is commonly used for commercial paving projects as well as driveways, parking lots and streets. The process begins by grinding away any loose material and then applying an anti-slip coat to provide traction for drivers. Next, a crack sealant is applied to fill in any cracks or gaps in the pavement. Finally, after it has dried out and hardened, a final coat of hot rubberized asphalt is applied on top. The benefits of this type of sealing include its ability to extend the life-span of asphalt surfaces by protecting them against water damage which can cause ruts or plague development; its ability to stop weeds from growing through pavement; and its potential cost savings due to less maintenance required over time than without crack sealing


Sealcoating asphalt is a process that resurfaces the asphalt in a parking lot, driveway, or road. After cracking has been sealed and any bad spots have been patched with tar, sealcoating is applied to the asphalt. It usually consists of either one coat or two coats of sealer over an entire paved surface. This helps extend the life of the pavement by reducing water penetration and sealing cracks that could lead to other problems such as potholes. Sealcoating is not only used on asphalt but can also be used on concrete slabs and gravel roads as well.

The benefits of Sealcoating

An existing parking lot will look newer after having sealcoat applied to it which will also help prevent surface cracks from forming over time; less likely for water penetration into existing cracks which would promote potholes; longer lasting paving surface will save money in future repairs

In order to keep the asphalt sealed, it is important to maintain it by sealing cracks and pavement joints. Cracking is a common problem for asphalt surfaces in all climates because of freeze-thaw cycles. The goal of crack sealing is to fill the gaps with an elastic sealant that will protect against moisture intrusion and to improve traction, reduce noise, and provide aesthetic benefits. A sealcoat can also be used as a preventative measure in order to keep the surface smooth and looking good between sealcoating intervals Patching refers to filling holes or repairing cracks on an asphalt surface using hot or cold mixes. Patching can be done either manually by spreading hot mix over a hole, or mechanically using an applicator machine that pumps the material through a long hose onto the ground where needed.

Asphalt Patching

Asphalt patching is the process of filling in potholes. It uses a liquid asphalt to seal and resurface pavement. The asphalt is mixed with sand and is then heated to the point of boiling. It is then squeezed out of a gun nozzle at high pressure onto the desired surface, where it cools and becomes solid as it cures. The surface layer of an asphalt road or parking lot will typically be about 2 mm thick.

Steps of Patching

  1. Removal of the damage pavement
  2. Cleaning the pothole
  3. Repairing the foundation
  4. Filling the pothole
  5. Tamping  – the pothole will be overfilled slightly and then tamped down. Different machinery will be used based on the size of the pothole.

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