

Types of Asphalt Repairs

Step by Step Process of Crack Sealing Crack sealing is the process of filling cracks in asphalt with a sealant. This helps to strengthen the surface of the asphalt and can prevent water from infiltrating into the underlying soil. This process is commonly used for commercial paving projects as well

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hot and cold mix

Hot and Cold Mix Asphalt

Types of Asphalt There are many different types of asphalt. Hot mix asphalt is a mixture of asphalt and aggregate that is heated to the point where it becomes plastic and can be spread in place as a substance on surfaces such as roads. Cold mix asphalt, also known as

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pot hole

Pothole Repair

What is a Pothole? A pothole can be a dangerous and expensive problem. They can cause vehicles to lose control and that is why they should be repaired as soon as they form. They can also cause major damage to the area under the car. The asphalt surface is where

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Road paving

What is Asphalt Paving

Asphalt paving is a common paving material. It is often used because it can be rolled out and installed in almost any location, which makes it one of the most cost-effective means of constructing a road or parking lot. Asphalt, also called bitumen, is chemically similar to tar and oil

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